Tuesday, January 13, 2009


We went in today for the first Non-Stress Test. It was easy enough; I sat there with two monitors on my belly. I had one good contraction while on the monitor and the baby did fine with it. The baby’s heartbeat was around a baseline of 120 and would usually increase to 145 or so when it moved. The midwife said the baby seemed good!

She also checked me. She estimated that I’m around 50% effaced and 1cm dilated. She said she could feel the baby’s head, so she thought it had moved down a little to -3 station. Progress!! Not huge progress, but progress, and that is very encouraging.

I'll see the doctor on Thursday for another NST, unless I'm having the baby, of course.

I can be a little patient knowing that I am getting closer to holding the baby! I'm so excited!!!


  1. Progress is definitely progress!! A plan has been set into motion and a plan in motion must remain in motion!!! Woo Hoo!!!

    You're already 1cm closer to holding that precious one!

    Can't wait!!!!!!!!!

  2. It's one less cm you have to go once you are "really" in labor :-)

    Good stuff!

  3. Hang in there, it is better to be late than early. It is not much fun to leave your little one at the hospital when you go home.

  4. Yay for progress!! You're on your way to seeing that baby!!

  5. Yah Mary! Don't worry...going late is fairly common with your first. I was 5 days late, not too bad, but at the time I was ready to burst because I just wanted to meet that baby. :) Hang in there!
