So Sean and I have been taking some short walks lately. He really likes to be outside and I need the exercise. On Wednesday we walked (or rather I walked and he rode in a stroller) to the nearby speedway for a treat. Round trip was about 2 miles (we took a scenic route) and took us an hour.
This morning Sean says he wants to go for another walk. I am thinking ok, this will be good, but I don't want to go to speedway again. We had some library books due soon, and we live in town, or the edge of town anyway, so I think a little walk to the library will be nothing. It never takes very long in the car, how far can it really be?
2.5 hours and just over 5 miles later we got back home. It was a long walk. I got the distance from Google maps, I think I should start checking the maps and distance before I leave. Then again I may start talking myself out of walks because of the distance. What's that old saying - ignorance is bliss. In today's case though, ignorance is blisters - on my feet.