Friday, July 29, 2011

Long walk... short story...

So Sean and I have been taking some short walks lately. He really likes to be outside and I need the exercise. On Wednesday we walked (or rather I walked and he rode in a stroller) to the nearby speedway for a treat. Round trip was about 2 miles (we took a scenic route) and took us an hour.

This morning Sean says he wants to go for another walk. I am thinking ok, this will be good, but I don't want to go to speedway again. We had some library books due soon, and we live in town, or the edge of town anyway,  so I think a little walk to the library will be nothing. It never takes very long in the car, how far can it really be?

2.5 hours and just over 5 miles later we got back home. It was a long walk. I got the distance from Google maps, I think I should start checking the maps and distance before I leave. Then again I may start talking myself out of walks because of the distance. What's that old saying - ignorance is bliss. In today's case though, ignorance is blisters - on my feet.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So as with most things, everything tends to happen all at once. We had Paul and shortly there after I was given two new refinishing projects. An old library table and a china cabinet.

I enjoy the hands on projects and it gave me something to do while everyone was napping in the afternoons. I started with the table because it just needed to have a veneer removed, then sand, then finish. The china cabinet has several layers of high quality, most likely lead based paint and is going to take a bit more work.

Anyway. I have finished the table. The veneer took almost three days to get off - due to the quality old fashioned construction. It took another two days to sand,  what with all of the corners and various edges and the different levels of sandpaper I used. One day to stain it, a beautiful dark kona wood. Then three coats of polyurethane done throughout the course of a single day - early morning, late evening, and 10 o'clock at night (that was last night.)

The polyurethane has dried, but it needs a few more days to cure. I have moved it inside to help it out. There is much less humidity in the AC. Here are some pictures from the project ad well as a shot of the china cabinet. Just thought I would share.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Paul Romulus

Mommy, Sean and Paul - not quite napping!

Big Brother is Watching! (I think he is surprised?)

I think Sean likes him.

"Awww. Him just a wittle guy!"

What are you doing to me?

OK... Well... I thought I knew how to use blogger, but rather than go back and switch all of the photos around in the order I thought they would be I just left them how they turned out. And no, they are not just pictures of Paul, but the whole family. The last one is just Paul (Please remember that it was supposed to be first.)

I am uber happy to report that everyone is doing well. Apart from a little sleep deprivation at the moment that is. Sean is still adjusting to having the little guy around. He keeps wanting to run around and bump and be as rough and tough as ever. It is kind of hard for him to "take it easy." Don't worry though, he will get there.

Mary is amazing, awesome, wonderful ... I can go on, really I can ... superb, fantastic, marvelous ... I think you are getting the idea. I am just thankful that she is doing so well, and everything went so well for her.

Praise God for healthy babies, wonderful families, super wives, and supportive friends and family. Thank you everyone for your well wishes, cards, flowers, and help.

Will try to post more soon, but I am still getting used to the new little guy too. ;)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

He's here!!!!!

I have always admired punctuality and this little guy shows up early. How awesome is that?

Anyway, born at 9:13 in the AM, weighing in at 6 pounds and 2 ounces and only 19 inches, Paul Romulus!

Mom and baby are both doing well.

More to come! :D
