Thursday, April 30, 2009

In the meantime

Well, I seem to have no time to blog.  I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have a full-time job, a 3-month old baby, and husband.  I wanted to have the birth story written out to share, but it is still very much a work in progress.  I'll keep working on it.  

But I don't want to wait until I have that story finished to share other stories and tidbits of my life.  So here is a quick one:

Babies sometimes remind me of other things...

such as an elf or a frog or a bird...or a French Pea!

My compliments to Jean Claude! 


  1. He is such a sweetheart! He was so cute to have him look at himself in the mirror and smile and laugh at himself!

  2. He does kind of look like a French Pea! I never made the connection!

  3. Mary...he's SO cute!! :) can't wait to hear the birth story!

  4. You have a blog!!!! I'm so excited! How did you find mine? I'm so glad I can keep up with you better! Glad to hear from you!

    Sarah (from middle school :D)
