I hope all the mom's out there had a very Happy Mother's Day. We planned to. It didn't work out quite like I'd hoped.
Saturday night we had dinner with Josh's family. It was a nice meal we bought from the Legion. For dessert, Josh's mom made a scrumptious pineapple upside down cake that she is working on to enter in the fair. Yum, yum. It was awfully sweet of her to make it, since it was for Mother's Day and all - and she even made it from scratch!
It was a very nice night.
Then Sunday, my first official Mama's Day with Sean, the scratchy throat and sniffle in my nose I had Saturday decided it wanted to be a full-fledged cold. And poor little Sean got it, too. So our plans to visit mom's and grandmom's went out the door while we sat in the recliner and tried not to use every tissue in the house all at once.
The worst part was that Sean has never been sick before, and that he got sick is all my fault. At least, I think if I hadn't gotten sick, he would not have either. But he was still a happy baby, and for that I am thankful.
Josh told me I should stay home Monday to rest and get better. Boy, I'm glad he convinced me! Yesterday was full of the same misery as Sunday. It's the watery eyes that is the worst. Stuffy nose or nunny nose, sure, it's annoying. But it's the watery eyes that make me utterly worthless for anything productive. I can feel the teard coming on, I know it is coming, and I can't stop it. And it's not that I'm temporarily blinded by the onset of tears. It's that the tears also aggrevate the nose, as well. So it is the tears and the nose.
But really. It was just a cold the way I get them. Not that bad, just annoying.
So this morning I know I'm not as bad as yesterday, I'm hoping that the watery eyes are done or at least mostly done. As I'm getting my clothes out, my phone rings. It's the sitter. She is sick.
So do I still go to work, when I'm still sick? I'm on the road to getting better, but still not feeling well... na!
So I enjoyed a second day at home. With Sean. There are definite perks to having a sick day!