He has done very well teething. He's had a very slight fever. He had a few times of crankiness that I attributed to teething pains, but luckily it was hours not days and teething tablets did the trick.
I was worried about Sean biting as his top teeth came in. After he got his first two teeth (the bottom two) I had trouble with him biting me. He was 4 1/2 months and he had a hard time getting it when I told him 'no.' After about a week of struggling and a few tears, Sean got over the newness of his little pearly whites and stopped biting.
With all the new teeth popping out on his top gums, I was worried that Sean would want to try out his new teeth on everything, including me. But it wasn't a problem until the third upper tooth came through. He's older now and understands what 'no' means. This time, it only took one day to get him to quite biting. Yay!
Sean is really so much fun to be around. He plays on his own. When I go from one room to another he follows me.
He usually doesn't get tired of me. What I mean is that when you hold another person's baby, after a while they are ready to do something else or be with someone else and don't necessarily want you later. They want their parents.
It is fun to be the parent. Sean will usually come to me if I want him, and sometimes he seeks me out. That is just one of the joys of being a mom for the first time, I guess. I love it!