Monday, May 25, 2009


I enjoy reading blog posts very much.  I really do.  It has become something of an addiction.  But I excuse it because how long does it really take to read a post?  Not that long.  And I'm keeping up with the lives of people I know.  Well, most of the blogs I read are written by people I know.  Some of them are pure strangers.  But they let me share in their lives by putting their stories out there in cyberspace and I feel like I've gotten to know them.  Who knows, maybe they feel the same way about me?   

Probably not.  But who's counting?


 It is so much more difficult to keep my blog updated than to read a post.  I want to, and I often think of ideas to write about.  And then it just doesn't happen.  It doesn't get written.  The words just swim around in my head getting dizzy.  I'm rather busy at work these days, which makes for a week that seems to fly by.  And I struggle to get the essential chores done before it is time to go to bed.   And the words of the blog post go to dreamland with me.

 So what am I trying to say?  Well, that all of you who can find the time to write, I will read it!  And I'm sorry to you who want to read mine and are continually disappointed that my posts are so infrequent.  I'll try to do better.  But I'm not making promises. 


  1. I like reading your blog and find myself in a similar situation with posting. I should make more of an effort to stick with it.

  2. We enjoy what we can get, but we all understand! Just do what you are comfortable with and what fits your schedule-there should never be any guilt or other bad feelings associated with a blog!

    I used to keep a diary, but don't anymore, so my blog is that outlet for me. I LOVE to go back and read old things I've written, and if you do too, set a goal to post a weekly recap or something of that nature. Not too much, but some interval that you'd enjoy re-reading about when Sean is big.

    When you were pregnant you did about monthly updates and maybe that's what you'd be comfortable with? But if you like blogging, if you set a goal (monthly, weekly, etc.) you'll feel like you've accomplished a goal when you do it and that always makes a person feel good!

  3. I know what you mean! I haven't been able to post picture for a while now and so today I made it my goal to get some on my blog. It did take a bit longer that I was hoping for, but I succeeded! You will too, to what ever goal you set. Blogging is good for us too, as it is date stamped and we can go back and see what exact day things happen that are associated with Wesley or the neighbors. Even though most of you probably don't care about the detail's some of that is purely for us. As you can write things that are purely for you as well.

    When I was working I was having issues trying to get posts on my blog, one reason was because I lost access to blogger as they increased security and it got blocked. So I set up an email address associated with the blog (in settings) that I can write an email to and it will be posted to the blog. Then I could post where ever and when ever I felt like.
